Sunday, August 25, 2019

The weekend

I am jealous you got to see Hamilton, that would be amazing to see.  I didn't blog yesterday either, sorry.  Yesterday was good.  Casey went shooting with Randy and Collin and they had a fun time. Then Randy came over and we grouted half of the shower.  It is looking really nice, the grout really helps it look finished.  Casey fixed everyone's bikes so we rode them to lees.  The had doughnut samples and the kids really wanted doughnuts so we got some.  We took them to the pond where Dad used to work and ate them.  It was fun and the kids had fun running around.  Isaac caught a cold at school and has a runny nose.  He has the worst time sleeping when he has a runny nose so it was a long night.  Ruth and Oliver both woke up too so something was in the air.  Today we went to just primary and Isaac stayed home to rest.  Casey went to work to get ready to go to California tomorrow.  His phone's battery is swollen and pushing the screen off so we went and got him a new one this evening.  It is out of stock but they are shipping us one and it will be here Tuesday.  Jenkins is doing good.  He is warming up to being here and has more energy.  He keeps escaping to the next door neighbors house.  Casey put a board up so that should help.  He is good to come back when we call him.  Love you guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...