Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Today was good. We packed the whole back room and we're just hanging out a girl said we could take an hour break since we couldn't start packing till 5 so a girl was only here for a couple days so I showed her a few places to get some souviners and we walked the river walk on the way back. Then we went back and started to prep for breakdown. Since we had to arrive early we put our stuff in storage first so that meant we got ours unpacked last. :/ So we were at a stand still for an hour or so and they lost 2 of my racks. So we didn't get out till 9. It was a long day. I'm so excited to come home tomorrow. It's been a long time. Thanks again for taking care of Jenkins. Would Saturday still work ok to drive up and pick him up? Good luck tomorrow Karen with school. You'll do great.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...