Thursday, October 20, 2011


I just thought everyone would be so proud that I upgraded my farm tonight. Thanks Rachel for showing me how to do that. I was excited. I did laundry tonight and dad is still at work. Poor guy. I just kind of vegged and once in a while put laundry around. Tomorrow I am going to iron. I think I have been saying that all week. Good luck with your book Robin. Rachel that is fun about the pumpkin walk. Isaac will like that with all the kids around. It is getting dark early and also in the morning there is no sun for my commute. I am not looking forward to winter time. I was going to ride the bus today but I have to get up 20 minutes earlier and that just didn't happen. Well have a great friday. It should be a quiet day for me. Everyone has taken the day off for UEA. I am getting things caught back up and that feels nice. I was beginning to think that would never happen.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...