Monday, September 7, 2009

Great Labor Day

I am glad everyone had a fun vacation, I am glad that you will be in America tomorrow. We had a good weekend. We are failures at camping though. Sunday after church we decided to take a nap before we left, so we didn't get going until later. We packed up our stuff and headed out to high Creek canyon. It was a really pretty evening. It started to get dark and we weren't going to make it to the top so we found a spot on the trail to camp. But we decided that we would be bored and their was a MST3K we wanted to watch so we can back to Clifton. Today Casey made Salmon Chowder with Potatoes and Carrots. It was really good. While we were out their we noticed that we had like 16 cucumbers so we made some cucumber salsa. It is really good and fun to make. Casey is going to take some with him to the Uintas. With the rest of the cucumbers I found a recipe to freeze them. You put sugar, vinegar, onions, bell pepper and sliced cucumbers. Then you can eat them all year long. They turned out really good.

Well have a safe trip back and be safe.

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