Thursday, September 10, 2009

pretty amazing

So today was fun in prosthetics we learned how to make gelatin yesterday. so today I was able to make some. It smells like really bad dog breath but its cool stuff. We are making our noses out of it. so I casted my witch nose today. It was pretty amazing. i am going to cast my scars and cuts tomorrow. And since me and a few others are so far ahead of the class I was able to talk him into letting me do a chin. So maleficent is now going to have a pointy chin. I think its going to look pretty sweet. We are going to do foam laytex tomorrow and that is what my zombie face is going to be. Making foam is a lot more intensive then gelatin but I still think it will be fun. Well I guess I better go I brought my chin home to sculpt so I can make a gelatin mold of it soon. :) well have a great one. I hope mom and dad had a great anniversary sorry I forgot to say something. love ya


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