Monday, May 11, 2020

I am with Robin

I was tired today also.  I was taking a test on my computer this afternoon and all of the sudden I jerked.  I had fallen asleep.  We had a really quiet day.  I did get Adobe to work on my computer today so tomorrow I am going to use it to combine documents to pay bills with at work.  It has taken me 7 weeks to get that to work.  We didn't even leave the house.  I did take the garbage out.  I guess that does count..  I am glad you were able to fix the leak Robin,  I hate water leaks.  They are the worst.  Karen, I am glad your stew turned out.  I keep hoping we get to buy meat.  Rachel that was so cute that Isaac taught me how to use Google Meet.  That was fun.  The medicines help my urinary track infection and I as back to normal.  That is good.  Well have a nice Tuesday.  Drive safe to work Robin.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...