Thursday, May 14, 2020


I went to work today and that felt nice.  No one is there but I got the things done that I needed to so that was good.  I came home and worked a little more and then we went to Lehi to take back Jenkin's water bowl.  We went to Black Bear Diner and it was so nice to go out for dinner.  It felt more normal.  We visited for awhile and then came home.  It was so nice.  Thank you Robin.  Black Bear made dad sick.  Go figure that one out.  We are going to Kamas after work tomorrow and I am going to mow the lawn.  That sounds good.  Good luck Karen getting your gun back.  I thought it was a lost cause.  We are going to Logan on Saturday and I got a hotel so we could go swimming.  I hope it turns out OK.  Rachel that is so neat you got the kids swimming lessons.  That made my day.  They will love doing that.  Well enjoy Friday.  I can't believe it is the middle of May already.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...