Thursday, February 6, 2020


We had a busy day but it was good.  Ruth was the super star today so we went grocery shopping to get some treats for her.  Oliver didn't have school today because of parent teacher conference.  I usually help in Isaac's class on Thursday so me and Oliver went but she didn't need any help.  We had a half an hour until school got out because it was early release today so we went to the library and read books.  It was a lot of fun.  I planned parent teacher conference wrong.  It was scheduled for the same time Ruthie got out of preschool so Casey picked her up and then met up with us for the conferences.  The boys are doing really good in school.  Isaac is doing good and getting better at managing his time.  He tests really well and is ranked high on all of them.  Oliver is doing good.  he is struggling with writing so they have a before school program he is going to do.  He just come 20 minutes early and help him read and write.  It will be good for him.  Casey volunteered do to a stem fair at the school tonight.  I had book group but I just wasn't able to go.  The stem fair was really neat and they had a ton of fun things.  It took us an hour and a half to go through all the booths.  Casey's booth was fun.  The had virtual reality and had a place they could take apart and reassemble units.  The kids had a fun time.  Oliver was dancing/fighting at the end and it was cute.  The kids don't have school tomorrow.  I think that we are going to to spend Karen's gift cards.  Thanks again Karen, you are sweet.  Drive safe tomorrow and have a fun time.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...