Friday, October 28, 2022


 I showed Oliver the wooden CTR and he loved it.  Thanks Robin.  Casey made it back and it is so good to have him home.  He had a good time but nothing really worked out for them.  He got two flat tires and it was really windy.  A lady luckily drove by and helped them fix the tires.  Work went good today.  Ruth had a Halloween party at a friend's house.  She had a good time and was so happy.  Isaac had ambassadors and he said it was good.  After I dropped him off I went to check on my sewing machine.  I decided to just take it home.  No one knew what was wrong and it was taken apart in a box.  The sewing mechanic came back and said they would put it together for me and then I could take it.  The mechanic was able to fix it and it works now.  Which was amazing and they didn't charge me.  Their was a trunk or treat today.  Casey and Oliver picked up some candy and decorated the cvr.  After I picked everyone up we met them there.  It was fun and the kids had a really fun time.  Our dryer isn't working very well and I think we are going to work it tomorrow.

Love Rachel

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