Tuesday, October 25, 2022


 Today was good.  Casey left to go backpacking.  He was excited.  He took Tony and it is werid to have him gone.  Work was good.  We edited instructions all morning and then I am making a garden flag.  We are figuring out how to make the design fit.  Ruth said she didn't feel like going to tumbling so she skipped.  Isaac had orchestra.  The primary is suppose to deliver flyers this week so I meet someone at the church to pick them up and then drop them off at someone else's house.  I forgot a sandwich for lunch but I had things in my bag to eat but I was hungry so we got Jimmy John's for dinner.  It tasted so good.  I didn't want to the leave the kids for exercise class so I watched call.thr midwife and sewed.  I really want to start my Halloween quilt but I have to finish this one first.  It was pajama day at school and the kids were so excited.  Tomorrow is crazy hair day so I hope it goes ok with Randy getting them ready.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...