Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 I hope you feel better soon Robin.  That sounds horrible.  Today was a crazy day.  It was wild weather also.  It would snow and then be sunny and then snow.  Work was fine.  I sewed a lot today.  Oliver had a dentist appointment to paint his cavities so they don't get bigger.  Isaac and Ruth were going to walk home together and then go to Emily's house but it was snowing when school got out so we waited for them and drove them home.  Oliver remembered and was super fast getting out.  He was cute and talked the whole way there.  The activity day leader called and asked what Casey had planned and I said he was out of town.  I thought they had talked but they hadn't I guess so I said I could be a second leader.  So we hurried and picked up Isaac and Ruth and went to the church.  No one came so we just said we would communicate better and went home.  We hurried and ate and then took Isaac to young men's, they were ax throwing and had a fun time.  We went to the store to get some treats and took Oliver to his Halloween party.  His primary teacher threw it and he was so excited.  He had a fun time.  Me and Ruth caught up on her reading while the boys were gone.  It was crazy hair day at school.  Randy and Teri came over this morning and got the kids ready. They all looked cute.  It was werid seeing Isaac with dark hair.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...