Friday, September 2, 2016

Looking forward to the weekend

Karen that is one huge hornets nest.  I am glad you found it.  Rachel, I think it is fun to do those beads.  You are really good at them.  Robin, those wings are amazing.  Tomorrow Karen is coming down to have her tires looked at and then we are meeting Robin for lunch and going to Costco.  I am excited for Sunday when everyone is here.  I am making a big pot of soup and stuff to go with it for Sunday dinner.  It is suppose to be perfect weather on Monday.  I am hoping the lions are moving around.  I forgot to tell you about dad's demo.  It went really well.  It lasted 4 hours and his program worked good.  The guy went back to Kuwait last night.  I hope it was enough to convince them it is working.  It poured rain here for about 3 minutes.  It felt really nice.  I had them come clean my living room and hallway carpets today.  They look a lot better.  We haven't put the furniture back yet because it was still damp.  I thought that would be nice for Ruth when she was on the floor.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...