Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Rachel I'm sorry that the statistic people are being retarted, you should pull a prank on them just for fun. Good luck on your tooth apt. mom I hope it goes well. If your brave I will buy you a frozen hot chocolate when you come up. :) bribery works every time. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY to dad, I hope its a great year. :) Hi karen.... i felt like I was leaving you out. :) My photoshoots turned out well the girl that came in to be my model was super cute and was really fun to work with. We went to the dollar store yesterday and got a teddy bear and some girls in my class went out and mutilated it and burned it. And i made her a chucky doll, she was clunching the doll and looked creepy. I'll post the picture when I get it. My black Light one is thursday, the photographer was apprehensive because the lighting is so low, but I'm going to be stubborn and do it anyway. I also forgot I attached my stash. I attached photos so you could see my sweet man looks. Have a great day on dads birthday. :)

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