Friday, November 18, 2011


Today was very nice. It snowed all day and that was fun to watch. We went to the book table to get a book for Randy but they didn't have it. Isaac was in heaven, he kept wanting to sit down and look at all the book. I bought him two really cute one, the Piggy book and the little blue truck. I love both of them, you can really tell who put time into there books and who doesn't. Then Terry called me and said that she needed help getting Randy out of the house to setup to surprise party. So I had him come over and watch Isaac and I went and helped set up the party. It went well and I think they had a good time. Then I came back and picked Isaac up and went back to there house. He was surprised and had a fun time. Isaac was really good at the party, Kimi held him most of the time. It was 9 when we got home though, he was a trooper. I am excited for tomorrow. It will be fun. We will be down in the afternoon. I will text you when we leave.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...