Monday, August 14, 2017


Today was good.  I babysat this morning and that always is crazy but we have a good time and the kids are good.  We went to Sam's for lunch and to get a couple of things.  They were out of icee's and rootbeer and the kids were very upset about it and Isaac may never eat their again.  We gave Ruthie a nap and played video games, Isaac is getting a ton better I think all the mario kart is really helping him.  Isaac had martial arts and we stayed and watched, he did really well.  Tonight their was a neighborhood party but we really wanted to canoe so we were going to skip it and then Randy called and it is Kelly's birthday so we went and had dinner with cake and ice cream.  We took the canoe with us and afterwards went up to first dam and Randy came with us.  Oliver didn't want to get in the canoe so Randy stayed out with him.  Yesterday we used the cooler as a seat so today we tried camping chairs.  They worked but I think they are up too high so I am going to get some stadium seats for the kids to use.  It was fun but we all liked the marshes better.   Thanks everyone and have a good day tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...