Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Today was good, I woke the kids up this morning to get ready for the school schedule so they were grumpy this morning.  We did go on a walk and that was fun and really hot.  We were going to the jump zone but the kids were playing good so we just stayed home.  Isaac went to martial arts and I took the little kids to the cheese factory for a snack.  After dinner we went canoeing at the same spot we went on Sunday and I remembered my phone so I took pictures.  The new seats worked really well and I think they kids liked them.  It was so pretty and we had a fun time canoeing around.  We went a lot further than last time.  The kids started to get tired so we started to head back but we kept running into dead ends so it was taking a while to get back.  We went under a bridge so we were looking for that but we the one we found a mile away from the one we wanted, we had gotten lost.  It was getting dark so we got out and I walked back and got the van.  It was a bad place to put the canoe on but a car stopped and helped us.  So it was an adventure and everything worked out.  I am glad that you are painting, that sounds fun.  Good job guys.  Love you.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...