Saturday, August 30, 2014

We were on a roll

We decided to take Grandma Bodily out to lunch and Robin and Walter and Karen all came it was so much fun.  Grandma's trees were full of nectarines and peaches and no one else wanted them, I hated to see them go to waste so we picked them all.  I was going to take them up to Logan to dry but there were boxes of them so we bought a dryer and are drying them.  I was worried about it being too much for Rachel with her sore feet.  I forgot to say Rachel how much I am enjoying the books you got me.  I am on the Farmer Boy one now.  They are good books.  We made a Costco run and that felt nice.  I found the cutest outfit for Oliver.  There were cute ones for Isaac but they were sets and he is in two different sizes one for pants and one for shirts so I didn't get one and will find some separate things for him.  We did get Karen's birthday presents all bought also.  That was fun.  I think she got nice things.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  I am looking forward to Monday.  Dad has spreadsheets and information.  He is ready to go.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...