Monday, August 25, 2014

Moving right along

We went grocery shopping after work at Smiths on 4th south.  I was going to make bacon and tomato sandwiches last night with Rachel's tomatoes and my bread was moldy.  So we had them tonight with fresh bread.  They were delicious.  Work was crazy busy but my boss is going out of town on Thursday and Friday so it will be quiet then.  It rained here today.  Robin I am excited to go to dinner tomorrow night.  I was going to go dinner with Kay and Julie but Julie is sick so we postponed until she felt better.  I can't believe this is the last week of August.  Time seems to go so fast for me lately.  I sure have been having a fun summer.  I love the pictures from Penny's they are just perfect.  Karen I hope the grout went well.  LOVE MOM

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