Monday, March 1, 2010

Getting things done

I got up early this morning and got calls made to the life insurance place for grandma and called on her insurance. She gets to keep her health insurance and it won't cost her anything. She doesn't get grandpa's pension but it cost more for health insurance than he got from the pension so she actually comes out money ahead. We went to the bank and got all the paperwork done for grandpa to be removed from the accounts and then put her money from the trailer in her CD. She wanted to go to Olive Garden afterwards so that was fun. We went and looked at big houses afterwards. The sunset was amazing. I left work early so I could get the bank thing done. I am glad that is all done. There isn't too much left that needs to be taken care of. At least I don't think so. I got a hold of someone to come in and give her a bath. They called me but I missed their call. I'll call them in the morning. Well not much else going on here. Dad is working like crazy. Demo had troubles. They forgot to plug it in. (DOes that remind you of the IT group?)


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