Saturday, March 6, 2010


Well it has been really windy here today. The cloudy are getting stormy looking also. I hope that your movie stuff went well Robin. Was the weather good enough for you to shoot in? I hope that every had a good Saturday. I bought me a puzzle and it might have been a good idea to get a smaller one, but oh well I will get it done it might just take a year or so. I am doing laundry (under protest) right now. I would put it off longer but I am down to my last pair of clean socks so it was either go and buy more or do laundry. Tempting though it was I am doing laundry instead. Rachel did you go and see Alice in Wonderland. I might try and go to that next weekend.. or maybe the one after depending on how crowded it looks. Well I better go. BYE

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...