Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Love this weather

Today was so nice.  I rode trax home and it was so pretty.  Dad picked me up at the station and I got a gift card the other day and we used it for Red Robin.  It tasted really good.  I thought that was fun.  I spilled my drink all over my desk today so I decided I needed a cup with a lid.  WE went to Shopko on the way home and found one on clearance.  I was excited about that.  They also had those skirts on sale for 3 dollars so I got one for Rachel and Robin.  Karen I didn't know if you liked them or not.  I will have to take you and show them to you.  I think that is so unfair about the pharmacy.  They did that the other day to us and it drives me crazy.  You think they could call and let you know.  I am thinking instead of going to that party on Saturday of coming up to Kamas Karen and helping you winterize your house.  That sounds so much more fun to me.  Dad might have to work and I really don't want to go.  How is that for a major decision.  Robin, I think Rene looks prettier but man what a change.  I wonder what they did.  I am good with anything Robin.  I just want to play and make sure you get your hat for your party on Friday.  I love those pictures Rachel.  They are so cute.  I use to love playing in the leaves.  That is so much fun.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...