Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Karen, you are good at that game.  Good job, I am struggling to even get back to my old high score.  I am impressed.  Mom good job walking, that is neat.  You will definitely get into shape.  I attached a picture of the painted train, it is cute, thanks Karen.  I have also attached pictures of my tea towels.  Be honest and let me know what you thing.  I still have time to change them.  I found someone to take my place on the 11th for Fantastic Friday so I am ready for the concert.  I am excited.  This evening we went and got Kimi a present for her shower on Saturday.  She registered for some fancy towels so I got them.  We walked to the park afterwards and had a fun time.  All the kids were climbing the rope ladder so Isaac went over there and did it all by himself.  I was really proud of him.  Well everyone have a good night and let me know what you think about the teat towels.


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