Thursday, May 28, 2020


Today was good. I slept in which was nice. We heard that jeramys youngest sister's boyfriend had a minor heart attack. They live together so I cooked a roast and brought some mashed potatoes for eat.for.some.dinners. while we were down his other sister needed us to look at a couch. The back was messed up. So we fixed that. Then all the spies told his mom we were in town so we bought her a sandwich and stopped and said hi. We thought we would grab a milkshake from jcw. But it took like 40 minutes to get through the drive through. So we.didnt get home till 7. Then we just watched movies and relaxed. Tomorrow is Jeramy s for real birthday so we might go bowling. We will see what is open.i finished my dragon and I'm working on a bird feeder for my tree..I have half done but I took a picture to show progress


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...