Monday, September 23, 2013


I agree that it should still be the weekend.  It was really weird not to have Casey around this evening.  It seemed really quiet.  We had a fun day planned out but everything didn't go smoothly. We went to get Isaac some new shoes and the sales clerk offered to measure his feet and he lost it.  Then he wouldn't try anything on and all he wanted was his sandals on.  It was very stressful.  We decided just to buy them anyway.  This evening we talked about how cool they are.  I attached a picture.  I wanted to go on a walk but it got to late after talking about the shoes.  So we just played with cars and made cookies.  It was a nice evening.  I forgot to say that the other day Isaac picked up Grandma's bee and he loves it.  He carry's it around everywhere.  I was telling him that it was Grandma Gumm's bee and he said "It's Isaac's bee".  It was cute.  Well we have eye doctor appointments tomorrow so I hope that it goes well.  Everyone have a good night.


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