Thursday, June 13, 2019


That is fun you had a work shower.  I am glad that you got some fun things.  Sorry it is late for blogging, book group went late.  I went walking this morning and then let the kids sleep in so I was able to sew for a while which was nice.  We just played at home this morning.  This afternoon the kids had dentist appointments and they all did so well and let them clean their teeth.  Oliver has two little cavities they can fix by painting something onto it and Isaac has a broken sealant that they are going to fix for free.  When we got home the kids got in their swimming suits and we went to the splash park.  It was fun and it felt good on this hot day.  After dinner I started to mow the lawn and Casey cleaned out the garbage can which was gross.  It started to rain and thunder so I didn't get the lawn finished so Casey did it while I was gone after it stopped raining.  Book group was fun and it was good to talk with everyone.  Thanks for meeting up with us tomorrow Mom.  It will be fun. 


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