Tuesday, March 19, 2019


So dad's jeep is having trouble with it blinkers and we bought a new part that will be here on Monday so we took my car today and the right blinker stopped working.  We stopped at O'rielly's on the way home to get a new one but we had to watch utube to figure out how to fix it and by then it was dark.  We will fix it tomorrow.  Work was good.  It has slowed down so much.  I love it.  We stopped at Walmart on the way home and got me a new tablet.  it was nice to have games again.  Robin hope you have a nice trip home.  You deserve it.  You worked so hard.  Rachel, I hope that Casey is feeling better.  I am excited for the science fair.  We will come up after dad's doctor's appointment.  Hopefully it won't take too long.  Tomorrow is the first day of Spring.  We now get longer days than nights.  YEAH.  Everyone enjoy spring.  LOVE MOM

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