Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Rachel, I liked Isaac's hair.  I am glad you got your car fixed.  Robin that is weird that your water.  I am glad they fixed it.  Karen that is nice to get a hair cut.  Nothing feels better than a haircut.  I had a busy day and I did laundry tonight.  It really need to get done.  I even ironed.  Dad had an idea for one day after Christmas.  Taking front runner to the Ogden Train Museum.  Isaac just loves riding the train and that would be a long train ride.  He looked up the passes and for 6 people it is only 15 dollars.  It is a special deal until December 31.  I was thinking of going on Friday, December 27th.  How does that idea sound to everyone.  Get up early and have lunch in Ogden and be back before the 5 rush hour.  Let me know what you think of that plan.  Not much else is going on with me.  Friday we are going to Logan for doctor appointments.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...