Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dead Battery

That is a bummer about your bathroom Robin.  I am glad that they fixed it and you didn't have any damage in your apartment.  I am glad that you made it to the big city Karen, that is always fun.  Casey cut his hair yesterday and Isaac wanted his cut too so I cut a bit off.  I was looking at  it today and it looked horrible so I cut it some more and now it is too short.  I attached a picture below.  I also attached pictures from this weekend.  I need to take more pictures in general.  Today had ups and downs.  Isaac woke up really early but we had a good morning.  I scheduled all my visiting teaching and made Isaac an appointment for his 3 year check up.  Then we were on our way to story time and the car wouldn't start.  The battery had died.  So Isaac was upset we couldn't go so I laid him down and we both fell asleep which was really nice.  He ended up taking a 3 hour nap.  So Casey was able to fix the car and I sewed with Jenn.  I worked on my Santa quilt and I love it so far.  It has been fun to do.  I had scouts today and it wasn't a supper interesting topic but it marked off a section and I tried to have activities to go with it but the boys were really wild.  It was a long hour.  I can't believe it is the 10th already.  This month is going fast.  That is pretty exciting.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...