Sunday, September 8, 2019

Happy Anniversary

I am glad that you had a good Anniversary weekend Mom and Dad.  We had a good weekend.  The boys had a fun time backpacking and Isaac did really well.  The kids had primary practice yesterday morning and I had told Casey the wrong time so they didn't make it back but it was OK.  I took Oliver and he was scared.  It took a bit to get him to sit on the stand but he eventually was fine.  We went out to lunch with Nate and then he left.  It was good to see him.  We didn't do much else the rest of the day and that was nice.  The primary program was today and the boys did really good and were cute.  We have a million kids in nursery and it is really crazy.  It was raining this afternoon on and off.  We picked the tomatoes and Casey and Isaac and made salsa.  They made enough to freeze.  We had tacos for dinner and it was good with the salsa.  I only took one picture this weekend.  Ruthie has been liking to wear bows again they are cute on her.  The bigger the better for her.  


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