Wednesday, September 11, 2019


I am sorry about Jeremy's ex father in law.  That is hard.  It is cold and it feel s like fall.  I bought a reflective vest for walking in the morning since it is so dark now.  Stephanie made it to exercise class today and it was fun to talk with her.  She hasn't come since school started.  At the class Ruth needed to use the bathroom and I told Oliver if he took her I would get him a treat.  So after a took a shower we went to chick fil for lunch.  The kids had fun.  Then we took Oliver to school.  Me and Ruth went to quilt group and that was fun.  I think we are going to make Lori Holt's farm quilt over the next two years.  Just do a block a month.  It was good to talk with everyone.  It was threatening rain so we drove to pick up the boys.  I had to run to the store for some odds and end stuff.  Oliver wanted a toy vacuum that can suck things up so he bought one with his money and it came today.  He was so excited and cleaned the whole house.  He kept saying how shinny everything looked.   Isaac had scouts this evening and he has fun.  He likes to go.  Mom is going to go on a field trip with Isaac next week which should be fun, he is excited.  Have a great birthday tomorrow Karen, you are amazing.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...