Friday, January 4, 2013

loop de loop

Rachel, I really like the loops on the quilt.  It looks really nice.  I am glad you had a good day.  Isaac is talking really well.  He has figured it out.  He will be talking better than grandma before you know it.  I will take good care of Casey for you.  If it gets to much for him he can change his mind.  It hasn't been that long since he broke his shoulder.  I worked late and dad took me to dinner.  That was nice.  I am going to work a few hours tomorrow.  It was really cold today.  I had a hard time getting warm.  That is cute he likes to by the fireplace.  It has been one of our favorites spots also.  I think next weekend I am going to go to Logan and just visit if that is OK.  Then the next weekend I get to babysit.  I am way excited about that one.  We will have to work out a plan.  Have a nice weekend.  I love you guys  MOM

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