Friday, August 14, 2015


Thanks for the package today Robin, the trains were really cute and they boys loved them.  I love the sign and the pattern, thank you.  I am excited to make that duffel bag.  We are spoiled.  Today was pretty good.  Oliver was kind of grouchy, he is fine if he is outside but it has been so hot it is hard to be out their.  This evening was really nice and cool so we spent all evening out their and that was fun.  We just went grocery shopping and stopped and got more chocolate milk.  We have been out and Oliver is super happy to have it back.  His diaper was soaking from all he drank.  Isaac didn't want to go to the zoo story time so we just stayed home and did crafts and played games on the kindle.  It turned out to be fun.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  Good luck with the ball.


He was so sweaty from jumping on the trampoline

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...