Friday, April 12, 2019


It was weird weather again today.  It was raining and then sunny but cold all day.  I went walking this morning and then worked out.  We went and ate lunch with Isaac and then played with him at recess.  He was really happy to have us and we had a good time.  Oliver did get hit in the face with a ball and then someone took his ball so he was sad.  We had soccer practice this evening.  It was kind of cold but the kids had fun and Oliver was cute.  We are the white team and we were thinking of a cheer at the end.  We ended up with GO White Studio Dragon Cheetah Tiger.  Everyone had a opinion and it was funny.  Yesterday Isaac brought home a note saying that he had a project in an art festival this evening.  So we went to it and it was neat.  Their were only a couple of things from Greenville and I was proud of him.  It was fun to look at all the art and we listened to a choir sing.  They had a craft table to paint and Isaac made the earth.  We went out to ice cream afterwards to celebrate.  Tomorrow we are going to an Easter egg hunt at the park and then Momma Mia, it should be fun.  Love you guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...