Saturday, February 8, 2014

No snow

We got no snow and hardly any rain.  It did look nice to have snow in the mountains however.  I did laundry also today and we went to Walmarts and got us a new frying pan.  Ours was getting really bad and everything was sticking to it.  I am glad you had a nice day.  I found my pedometer and I am tracking my steps for a program at work.  It is a contest that runs until March and you get gift cards or money in your HSA account.  I thought that would be fun so I am going to try it.  I am not sure I will win anything but I am going to try it.  Me and dad are going to teach the 4 year olds tomorrow for Primary.  Someone called me and asked me to sub.  She was very organized and all I really have to do is so up.  She has all the activities and everything all ready to go.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...