Sunday, February 2, 2014

Go Team

This morning Isaac seemed like he had a fever and wasn't feeling good so we skipped church.  I didn't have to teach today so I just texted my partner that I wasn't going to be there.  Casey and Nate went cross countr skiing and had a really nice time.  They said that the snow was really good.  Randy had a super bowl party this evening so when Casey got back we went over there and had dinner.  It was fun, we didn't really watch the game but the had it on.  Isaac really liked watching it though, he would go back and watch it for a long time.  While we were there his cough got worse, I hope that he starts feeling better tomorrow.  I was pinning a quilt and Isaac was sitting under it so I have a picture of that.  His new tractor shirt fits really well and he likes it.  Thanks Mom.  I hope that everyone has a good week, it is supposed to be cold.  Thanks again for everything.


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