Monday, January 27, 2020


Good job Robin.  Don't let them bully you.  I hope that you get a big raise with it.  That would be fun.  Today was good.  Ruth woke up super early and still has a cold but she is doing better and we are keeping her on medicine.  Isaac was saying he was sick and didn't want to go to school.  I said that he had been fine all weekend and wondered if something was wrong at school.  He said that he lost a rough draft of a paper that he was writing and it was late.  So we went in early and cleaned up his desk and found the paper.  He still had to stay in from recess to work on it but I had him take it home and we finished it up tonight.  Oliver's teacher said he is having a hard time focusing so we decided to move him up to the front.  It think it will be better for him just so he can see better.  She said he also gets frustrated easy and then wont do anything.  So we are going to practice some things so he is more confident about it at school and see if that helps.  While everyone was at school this afternoon I had a mammogram.  It isn't too bad and it was pretty fast.  I also finished quilting my quilt.  It turned good and I love my new machine.  It is so fun.  Love you guys and thanks for everything.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...