Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Everything is awesome

Good luck Robin, you will do great tomorrow.  I am excited for you.  We had a good day.  We went to story time today which was nice we haven't been forever.  Then I sewed with Jenn and Isaac watched the lego movie, thanks Mom and Dad.  Then when Casey got home me and Isaac went swimming.  I thought Oliver would nap and Casey could sleep but it didn't work out.  Me and Isaac had a fun time.  He was a submarine and jumped into the pool a lot.  Then he went down the slide all by himself twice.  He would of done it again but he was getting cold so we went home.  It was fun.  I am hoping to put Isaac to bed soon and then I am going to sew for a while.  I want to work on what I was sewing this afternoon.  Everyone have a good night.


Tiffany bought Isaac and Oliver some sunglasses

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