Monday, May 17, 2010

snow drifts

Well today was good. Last night I noticed my tire was looking low I just figured they didn't fill it up enough when they put it on. So I went and filled it up with air and I heard the air coming out of my tire by the valve. But I fixed it enough so the air didn't come out. So this morning I woke up and took it in to the auto repair they fixed the valve on it. And they did it for free which was nice. Then I worked at lagoon. we started costume alterations so it was fun. I like sewing. The cotton trees at lagoon are in full swing. It looks like snow drifts everywhere. Its horrible, i just hope my allergies don't give out. OH rachel my shoot was canceled on tuesday and moved to friday do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow instead? I will text you tomorrow. anyway have a great night


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