Friday, September 3, 2021


 I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  I helped in Ruth's class and that was fun.  I like getting to know the kids.  I am waiting for interfacing for Kay's quilt so I finished up the sea quilt, I like it.  The school nurse called and Isaac threw up at school.  I ran down and got him.  Poor kid didn't feel well.  It happened 20 minutes before school was out so I ran him home and came back and got the other kids.  I went and got Isaac a fanta for his stomach.  I had a baptism this evening.  I had to fill the font and was worried about it.  It filled in time and was great.  The baptism was so nice.  It felt good to be part of it.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.  I am so glad that Dad is feeling better.  I have been worried about him 



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...