Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Casey wasn't feeling good this morning so he stayed home and slept in.  Ruthie didn't sleep well so I was tired today.  I didn't babysit so we just played this morning which was nice.  Oliver had school and they learned about doctors.  He had a doctors bag with band-aids and cotton balls in it which he loved.   Casey mowed the lawn with the ridding lawn mower and it was so fast.  We are going to save and get one, it is so nice.  We went to Lowe's after we picked up Oliver and made a plan for the deck which was nice for me to get everything straight.  The boys had swimming lessons and Casey came with and watched, it was nice.  I had young women's tonight and they did missionary prep stuff.  I didn't have to do anything so it is not stressful.  Love you guys.  I am so excited for the quilt show.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...