Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning then we just played in the backyard and downstairs where it was cool.  I sewed with Jenn Cox and that was fun.  I have one rows of trucks all done.  We went to Fred Smiths in the afternoon to get Isaac a ball and some things to make pizza on the grill.  We didn't end up doing it tonight but we are planning on doing it tomorrow.  Casey came home a little early and we went to Lowes to get some compost for his potato patch, he dug up the grass in front of the garden.  While we were at Lowes we saw grapes so we bought four and ended up working on that.  It was fun and I am excited for grapes.  I hope that they work better this time.  We are so impulsive, tomorrow we will work on getting the potatoes done and the beds ready for a garden.  Off the subject, today when I was putting Isaac to bed for his nap and bedtime.  He would point to where I keep the binky's so I would give him one and then he would point to his bed.  I tried to read to him but he just would point to his bed.  It was funny.  Mom's flowers are looking really good so I took some pictures.  Also Isaac wanted to take his blanket to the park and he carried it around there, it was funny.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...