Thursday, November 5, 2015


Today went well, it seems like we are getting back in the routine with the new time and the days aren't as long.  Isaac had school and he had the sharing bag.  The letter was "I" so we had him be the sharing bag.  I put a picture of him in the bag and wrote clues about Isaac.  After we picked him up we had some errands to run so we did that and then ate lunch at panda, the boys love it their.  We painted and did legos while Oliver was asleep.  When he got up Casey and the boys rakes leafs again, they had fun.  Well good luck tomorrow.  We will be down Saturday so don't move the big stuff until Casey gets their.


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 I had a really quiet morning. I slept. Dad came home and I ran some errands. He had a heart doctor appt. He checked out really good. I am e...