Friday, November 6, 2015


I hope that it went well today and you got a lot done.  We will be down tomorrow as soon as we can.  We had a good day today and got a lot done.  We went to Pepridge farm and got the stuff for bingo.  Then we went to Sams for diaper and had lunch.  Then Isaac has been waiting all week for his allowance so he could buy an lego so we went got that on our last stop.  We put it together and played legos in the afternoon.  When Oliver got up we walked around the block, it was really sunny so Isaac thought it was warm but it was pretty cold.  We got Inside out at Sams so when it got dark we watched that and Isaac and Oliver watched the whole thing, I think they liked it.  I finished the baby quilt last night and I love it, it looks better in person.  I also made some Indian Rice pudding and it tasted really good, I posted a picture.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...