Thursday, April 13, 2017


It was so windy here today also, it just kept getting worse as the day went on.  The neighbors tree fell over but everything was ok.  Ruthie and Oliver didn't sleep well last night, mostly Ruthie.  They both were kind of grumpy and I was grumpy but I tried to be happy.  Isaac has been really kind and nice this week, he has gotten a lot better.  Some kids chase him and his friends at recess and his friends invented cat power speed and he has been a lot happier about that situation.  This morning the sand table was all clean and I thought I would clean up the water table and fill it up.  The kids loved it but Ruthie went through three outfits so I drained and wont be filling it again till it is summer and her clothes can dry outside.  I had quilt group this afternoon and I asked Randy to watch the kids and it was really nice to go by myself.  I think that they had a fun time also so it worked out.  Isaac had martial arts so we dropped him off and then went and got a engine stand for Casey and then picked Isaac up.  Oliver fell asleep in the car and has been out ever since.  Thanks for having us tomorrow, we are excited.  Isaac is especially excited about the Easter egg hunt because money is involved.


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