Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I told Robin is was going to snow tonight and let's reschedule for another night to go to Charming Charlies.  At 3:00 it was snowing and by the time Gary picked me up the roads were horrible.  I felt like I had made the right decision and then we drove home and at the house there was not one drop of snow.  I guess it just depends on where you are.  Sorry Robin, we can go next week for sure.  Not much else going on with me.  I am so glad next week I only have to work 3 days and then I get 4 off.  I am really ready for that.  I guess I better start wrapping presents.  I am glad Rachel that you had a good day.  I am sorry that Oliver isn't sleeping well.  That can get old really fast.  I hope that Isaac has fun at school with his birthday treats.  Karen, I hope you don't have to work to much more over time.  I hope fiber optics are just about done.  Everyone have a good Thursday.  LOVE MOM

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