Saturday, December 19, 2015

Shop until I drop

We had a good day.  We went and got Karen's Christmas present this morning and man it was heavy.  We didn't want to carry it up and down so we took it to Karen's house.  She will put it under her Christmas tree.  We then went to Home Depot and the Cactus store and got dad some more venus fly traps.  I hope they grow this time.  We never have had much success but he wanted to try again.  We went home and I wrapped presents.  It was fun to do that.  Then we went looking for a curtain and rug for Ruth's room.  No such luck but it was fun to walk around.  Tomorrow we are taking Margaret out for lunch.  It is suppose to be stormy but it doesn't look that bad.  Congratulations Rachel.  You have done an excellent job of being pregnant.  She is going to make it to the new year.  Robin, I hope you survived working.  You and Karen are working a ton.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  I can't believe next week at this time we will be laying on the floor in a heap of Christmas paper sound asleep.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...