Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Record Time

Oliver fell asleep in record time tonight which is awesome.  Today was good.  We took it slow this morning and it was so pretty outside we played in the snow for a while.  Oliver didn't want to wear his boots but I knew he would like them once we got in the snow and he did.  He even wanted to wear them later in the afternoon.  It was really nice to be outside and play.  I miss being able to do that.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and it is crazy not having Casey to watch the boys.  I did get a receiving blanket made for Ruth and it is super cute.  I am making a tee shirt quilt for a girl I used to work with so she dropped that off when Jenn was leaving.  It doesn't have to be done until May so I have some time.  Casey didn't feel good today so he canceled scouts and stayed home, it was nice.  I stayed up late and finished my last bowl, I guess I still have to unpick the grey one but I will do that later.  It is nice to have that done.  Well enjoy your Wednesday tomorrow, this week is flying by.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...