Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 Thanks sounds fun to decorate for Halloween during the cheese festival. Oliver wants something scary and Ruth wants the floating Harry Potter candles that we talked about last year.  I had some time after Isaac left for school and finished quilting the second lattice quilt.  I love it.  We rode bikes to school and that are closing 600 E so cars can't go down so it is safer for kids to walk to school.  A police officer gave us a sticker.  I got everything finally set up at work and that was nice.  After school they are starting a chess club at the library.  Isaac didn't have violin lessons so him and Oliver went.  They had a fun time.  Oliver might go again next week.  Ruth had tumbling in the new spot and she liked it.  It is in a big warehouse now.  Casey picked her up and I went to exercise class.  It was steo aerobics and it went better than last week.  Casey cut his hair and went on a run.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 

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