Friday, November 8, 2019


I am sorry about your work Mom, that makes me so mad.  It is such a negative work environment.  So crazy.  I am glad that it went ok today Karen and I hope that you are feeling ok.  Robin I hope that the move is going well and the drama will calm down.  I was thinking of throwing out a sewing day after Thanksgiving.  We did that one year and it was so fun.  I am not sure if we have time.  This morning I walked and then went to exercise class. I helped in Oliver's class and it was crazy.  I read with the kids and Oliver is doing good.  We had lunch with Isaac afterwards and that was good.  We were late so we didn't sit next to him but we were close.  We had to go grocery shopping and then we walked to pick them up.  We went to the library after school and it was so hot.  The boiler was on and they couldn't turn it off for some reason.  We just played and did crafts the rest of the afternoon.  Everyone have a good weekend and get some rest.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...