Thursday, May 16, 2019

meetings are over

So the big meetings are over for today and they went nice.  I even got a thank you note from the CEO.  She is a sweet lady.  I met the Gumm gang for dinner and it was nice.  I walked the mall a little bit before and it was nice.  I even got Jeramy a birthday present.  Robin was thinking of having a birthday party  for him over memorial day but I was wondering about the weekend of the shower.  Rachel will be down here and we could have a party.  Does that sound OK with you Robin,  I am afraid I might not feel great over memorial day because I am getting my teeth pulled on Friday.  We can discuss that over the blog.  Everyone is so excited for Robin's shower.  Angela has taken over and making it really cute.  I thought that was nice of her.  No gossip from the dinner.  I did find a skirt that might work for the wedding for me, I bought it but it might be too tight.  I didn't try it on yet.  Everyone be safe in the storms.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...